
This is a historical and statistic page for the game PLAY FOR YOUR CLUB.

In the left menu you will find statistics pages for each league there is available in playforyourclub.

Click the country You want to see the past winners, click Topscores to see the past topplayer every week or
You can click to see the top single game winner every week.

 For every league You will find the team winners and topscores for the season.
A season goes from week 27 in a year to week 26 the following year.

This page is made by a football mad danish freak. I have not been playing the game since the beginning,
 so some statistic is missing and statistic before week 17-2005
 is based on a guess from the numbers of wins, c.lge and UEFA each team may have.

I want to thank the following for help with information and statistics:
Gregor     :-)      FC Schalke 04)
Frank      StP      FC St. Pauli
Brian      TBe      Barnet FC
Ferjo      FER     FC Porto
Alex        Alx      Atletico de Madrid
Chris       MAC    Club Brügge
Thomas   don     1. FC Köln

(sorry if i forgot one or more)

For Contact, send a mail to: [email protected]

Please send me an notice if You find some mistakes....if I have been misspelled a name of a team
or maybe You know a link to an other site about the game.

Please make a messages or a shout for Your team in the guestbook!

    For contact send a mail